"DAS Talk" is a pioneering podcast series hosted by Peter Weyhreter, VP of Gamma, and Philip Nicholas. This insightful series, brought to you by Gamma Electronics, focuses on the world of Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) and in-building communication, with an emphasis on emergency response and safety.

The episodes of "DAS Talk" are released bi-weekly throughout the entire year of 2024. The series explores the challenges and solutions involved in building effective communication systems, particularly for first responders in the United States and Canada. Discussions center around the roles of organizations like the Safer Building Coalition, advancements in emergency responder radio systems (ERRCS), and the impact of new technologies on the future of in-building communication.

"DAS Talk" aims to increase competency and awareness among integrators, Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs), and stakeholders involved in ERCES. The podcast is designed to be a valuable resource for professionals in the field, as well as for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, safety, and communication. It combines technical depth with accessible conversation, making it a must-listen for those involved or interested in this critical area.